When I was young, I'd never have believed it if you said that I'd be making curries on a regular basis. But once you get the right spices and other basic ingredients? It's not only incredibly yummy, it's incredibly EASY...and a fantastic way to use up the bounty from the garden. This week, it included zucchini, Swiss chard and red bell peppers along with tofu that I dry-fried before tossing it in at the end.
HOT TIP! My favorite trick for making homemade curry paste? Whenever you buy something like galangal or lemongrass, prep a bunch of it and toss it into jars and freeze. While fresh is always ideal, I know when I buy certain produce items like these, I don't ever use it all up and so rather than let them go back, chop 'em up and freeze 'em! So much better - and cheaper - than the prepackaged gunk at the store that is 99% of the time not organic, plus is wildly overprocessed, oversweetened, and come with ingredients that have no business being in there in the first place. The more you learn to make your own sauces, pastes, spice mixes and condiments? The happier your taste buds will be!