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Star Jasmine 2.0

One of my very favorite memories of our front garden at my first home of 13 years was creating an entire jasmine trellis on the deck railing. We spent several years training them on the horizontal wires between the posts and, well, it was glorious - both to look at as well as the scent. Creepily, the new owners tore the whole thing down, dumping the jasmine on the ground where it still lies in heaps as of this year (I can't help when I'm in the area to drive by my first home and subject myself to this torture, don't ask). When we downsized from the farm to the Emerald City, I tried a mini-trellis by the front door of pink jasmine, but always missed the 'wall-o'-jasmine' we'd created years prior.

So this year, when I enlisted the help of a local contractor to finish off the front garden fence (don't ask me why the former owner only had one wall of the fence, facing the street, done while not connecting the rest of it to enclose the garden), I made sure he left a gap between the slats so I could start a new jasmine trellis / wall on one side.

After our weird spring, I thought it might not succeed, but the weather has caught up to what July should look like...and the jasmines have begun to bloom. Three Star Jasmines like you see above, and a Pink Jasmine for good measure amongst it, the latter which has spread like crazy already. The smell? Lovely while not being overpowering. I can't wait to see how it grows post-bloom to begin to cover the fence.

So much inspiration, so little time...


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