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Sedum: “Oregon Stonecrop"

Along our south fence, we have a long strip of shrubs and an oh-so-slight slope to them coming down from the back of the property. That and a couple of ducks who love to mess around in the mulch means that the mulch is constantly coming over onto the path, looking a mess after they've been through it or a solid rainstorm has passed through, so in late spring I started focusing on adding some groundcovers to the area, prioritizing natives. And while I'd always seen the name "Oregon Stonecrop" in native plant guides, for some reason I'd never looked them up to see what they were. I had no idea we had native sedums here in the Pacific Northwest, not to mention from my home state! Pretty cool! So we've got four of these planted now, and they're just starting to bloom in all their cuteness as they begin their spread (up to 2' width).

FYI they are also GREAT for rockeries! I am pretty sure there were some preexisting Oregon Stonecrops embedded in the huge rockery in front of our last house, which I uncovered after tackling the mass of invasive St Johns Wort and Himalayan Blackberry that had been crowding it out (along with other gorgeous sedums). These are such great plug-n-play plants, I can't recommend them enough!


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