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Sedum: “Hens & Chicks”

So until we moved into our last place, a cottage in the city, I'd never had a rockery, only seen them on garden shows and referenced heavily on nursery plant tags. I'd planted sedums in my first home as a good drought-tolerant plant, but never utilized them to their full potential. So I was STOKED when, after clearing much of the weeds and other overgrowth from that rockery, to find someone in the past had planted some hens & chicks in the crevices, among other sedums.

Inheriting a mini-rockery of sorts in front of our place here in the Valley, I was thrilled to spot a tremendous mat of hens & chicks covering an entire corner. Snails are of particular annoyance up here, and their sharp edges are a great natural deterrent for those evil buggers...particularly since our ducks aren't allowed up front due to the busier street (okay and because our duck Lucy proved if spooked she will leap off a rockery onto the sidewalk below....ask me how I know). Along with that, they grow quickly, are virtually zero maintenance, and when they bloom - as above - they have this weirdly cool alien-like vibe...

While I don't know what particular variety this one is, the flowers were too good not to photograph...


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