Oh I can't tell you how EXCITED I am to see our newest Rose of Sharon in bloom! While we have another one that was planted earlier in a different spot, it is still in the budding stage and in a healthier location, while this pink one is quite special because, well, I thought I'd killed it just a few months ago! Shortly after planting it in a sketchy spot that - almost immediately after going into the ground - dealt with a fair share of precipitation in late spring, it gave me serious 'Charlie Brown Xmas Tree' vibes by losing leaves, browning in areas, etc.....and then it transformed. Big time.
Rose of Sharon is one that I bumped into years ago on a walk in my old P-town neighborhood, not realizing at the time that hibiscus comes in so many varieties, and when we saw our corner neighbor's beautiful shrub in Seattle that is almost dwarf-tree-like in potential, I knew I wanted one. Okay, two if we're being honest. And when arriving into the Valley last year and not being able to take those with us, I found two new varieties to plant and enjoy! This one can be shaped into a tree, so we'll see how it looks next year and prune if it's in the cards. In the meantime, all I can say is - oooh pretty pretty!