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Phacelia, AKA “Bee's Friend"

Talk about near-instant gratification in the garden!

One of the easiest to sow, fastest growing and longtime favorite beauties in our gardens since my first home has been a sweet li'l plant referred to as 'Bee's Friend'. Now there are a lot of seeds available at nurseries, but any longtime gardener will agree, some are the ones that you can just toss out there and it's sure to come up, many others need coddling, from growing in a raised bed or indoors or far from the giant webbed feet of backyard ducks! Phacelia, aka Bee's Friend, isn't one of the all. I've tossed this in a bunch of places around our front and back gardens and as long as there's full sun? They sprout in a hurry and practically leap to full height within weeks.

And yes, their nickname is not unfounded at all. I tossed a whole packet of these seeds in this small area along the path, right up against the house in one of those notorious covered dry spots that is easy to forget about? It, along with the catmint and bachelor's buttons and a rose campion I literally rescued coming out of a crack in the sidewalk in our old neighborhood, is THRIVING! So much so our local bumblebees will yell at me if I get too close when photographing them...


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