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Joe-Pye Weed: “Gateway"

Joe-Pye Weed is blooming and this variety our garden is definitely an accurate descriptor. This 5' tall version is DEFINITELY a 'gateway' to...planting more Joe-Pye Weed!

I first planted Joe-Pye Weed, a native to nearly all parts of the US, after a recommendation online I'd received, placing it along the side of our house in the Emerald City, where it thrived as well as enticed so tons of bees. It may not look very exciting at first, and dies back to the ground in winter, but boy does it rebound in spring and now, in July, is adding some great height to this area of the garden that is utterly known for hanging onto the moisture for a long time - aka 'wet feet'.

As Joe-Pye doesn't like super hot summers and can do part shade, it's great on the East side of our house where it gets the good morning sun like you see in the photo and will be in shade by mid-afternoon. It's also been growing really well with the Orange Mint that I (yes, deliberately) planted in the super-clay soil. These are immediately adjacent to where our ducks' pool is, so they embrace the water that comes from their splashing and when its time to clean it out each week.

And doesn't it look kinda awesome in front of the rain tank, y'all?

(PS - I have my garden, my library, AND my true love…)


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