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Heirloom Harvest: Cherry “Montmorency"

Remembering that young trees aren't going to provide a bounty of fruit for several years is the reason I bought and potted fruit trees when we were in our last place. I must have known we wouldn't be there for long because I never put them in the ground, and with that, the combo cherry tree we have came with us up here to the Skagit Valley, and graced us with a total of less than 10 cherries this year, with just one solitary fruit on the gorgeous Montmorency tart cherry branch. Neighbors around here have cherries and pears and apples laden with fruit, I am jealous but I know ours will soon follow suit, just not on my particular timeline. Compared to nothing last year, there's been progress. Looking back a year from now, there should be more.

And because of that, I have high hopes for this and our entire fruit forest... it's all one can have when it comes to the garden, right?


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