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Harvest: Honeyberries

So I saw ripe honeyberries - AKA haskaps - on the bushes and went a little nuts. Kind of like how one does with blueberries, it's easy to accidentally pick a few that could have used more time to ripen, but it didn't matter. These are SO delicious! I sauteed this handful with some existing frozen blueberries we had on hand along with a tiny bit of lemon juice and maple syrup, and it was total perfection atop the Jamaican banana fritters I made the other day for brekkie.

We have "Blue Pagoda" and "Blue Forest" varieties, both which ripen by June - an awesome 'first fruit' as even our Hood strawberries are nowhere close to being ready, our clove and pink currants are still ripening, and of course the three blueberry bushes have at least another month or so before I can attack them!!

Next up? Making the Honeyberry & Goat Cheese Tart I've had on my Pinterest since planting these babies. Cannot WAIT!

"Taste every fruit of every tree in the garden at least once. It is an insult to creation not to experience it fully. Temperance is wickedness.” ~ Stephen Fry


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