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Harvest: Gooseberries - “Oregon Champion"

Wow. Just - WOW!

The first year of growing this "Oregon Champion" variety of Gooseberry and I am stunned at the prolific nature and the exponentially better quality of this gooseberry plant compared to ones I've grown in the past...not to mention completely undisturbed by pests!

These feel like a grape when they are ready to pick and can be picked at green or yellow stages (they just get sweeter and sweeter as they stay on the vine - amazing as these green ones are a beautiful sweet-tart already!) and are great for preserves, pies, in fruit salads and more. My plan? Since our local farms offered literally ZERO locally grown organic strawberries for me to jam en masse this year and our Hoods in the garden are only sufficient in quantities for snacking, I'm going to combine these with some blueberries from our bushes and make a half-dozen jars of jam.

More to come...more to celebrate!


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