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Happy Green: 5 Good News Articles to Check Out (& Get Inspired By!)

A lot of shit is up in the air, so it's no better time than to share some of the GOOD that's out there and center us as we get ready for the rest of the year...

  • The kids are Hawaii. Check out their legal win to achieve zero emissions in their state, and show they value the future of our youngest generations.

  • Climate change initiatives in the British military led from the inside? Yep. While the US military is the biggest contributor to global warming from fossil fuel use, this Scottish leader brought about change to his military, proving they could be even MORE successful if they embraced sustainable strategies to lower their carbon footprint and carve a leaner path.

  • If they won't keep their promises to you, be the change. Long-neglected Native American tribes are creating food hubs to support their communities. "The federal government has long failed to support and fund Native agriculture and food systems across the country, resulting in widespread food insecurity and adverse health outcomes. So, many communities are organizing food hubs on their own." Getting back to the basics - building relationships with farmers and creating networks that empower? This is a footprint for all of us to follow.

  • Vote with your fork, your wallet, AND your...VOTE. We recently watched Food Inc 2 (awesome), and the fact that the conversation around healthy and sustainably-produced food is finally addressing the fact that we can't do shit unless we vote is huge to me, along with bringing in the intersectionality of the climate crisis by weaving in how the reality of US laws (in the majority of states) reward business owners for unfair treatment of farm and service workers by denying them the same protections as the rest of the American workforce, from allowing sub-minimum 'tipped wages' that have roots in Jim Crow to a lack of regulations ensuring the physical safety of agricultural workers and more. This awareness has been sorely needed for so long, and while there's a long ways to go, this is a good start to recognize how protection of workers and the planet will always be interconnected.

  • Concerned about the sustainability of EV batteries? Alternatives are being developed! We are eagerly awaiting August 1st, when Washington's new $2,500 EV rebate for used car purchases goes into effect, and can then be piggybacked with the federal $4,000 instant rebate, as we are SO ready to trade in our little hybrid for a gas-free vehicle. So with that, learning about options such as sodium ion batteries and more, which along with being safer, are easy for companies to transition to it because as it's explained, "the same factories, which currently produce lithium-ion batteries, can manufacture sodium batteries...This means production can be scaled quickly."

Oh and one more in the form of a video for good measure...because everyone loves a good rescue story...


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