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Ganache: Three Desserts in One

For Christmas Eve, as I made up the ganache to frost one of our favorite traditions, the insanely good chocolate biscuit cake, I decided to double the recipe and not only make a batch of my famous bittersweet truffles (this year's flavor? bourbon spice - thank you to local Chuckanut Bay Distillery for the exceptional addition along with cinnamon, clove and nutmeg), PLUS two other sweet treats: cubes of chocolate dipped Keitt mangoes and what I'll just affectionately refer to as 'peanut blobs' (tossing peanuts in the leftover bittersweet Valrhona ganache I'd used to dip my truffles and dropping spoonfuls onto parchment to let them set).

A perfect quick variety pack of goodies for the two of us to both enjoy, AND share with our new neighbors during our first holiday season here in our new neighborhood. Walking around with chocolates to share with our new little community who's been so welcoming to us since our arrival in late summer? The perfect way to celebrate the holiday weekend.


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