It's definitely a testament to patience to watch the cape lily all year just look like some green stuff coming out of the ground, month after month. After month. After MONTH!
Until mid-September comes around. While you're wondering how many more reblooms your roses or glads will have, and thinking about what bulbs you'll be planting next month (!), the cape lily is just getting started. Wheee!
Also known as Crimson Flag, the "Oregon Sunset" variety of Cape Lily is finally lighting up the initial section along the gravel path in our back garden. Best for "bog gardening", I have it planted near other wet feet loving plants like iris and joe pye weed, while never noticing until now that I really got onto a red streak along this path - cape lily, bee balm, lobelia and hollyhock, oh my.! - but hey, the bees dig this trend...